Who am i ?

I took a walk in theatre (created a theatrical company, directed a play, etc.), in the traditional publishing business (translated 12 historical romance novels, under a pseudonym and 1 collection of poems), in the UK world of blogs (was editor of Wikio's European Review of Blogs (E-Blogs) in the UK), did tons of jobs and stuff. Never get enough of this life, hence my incommensurate need of tenderness (give and take), experiments, and people. I love travelling, I live in Paris. When I’m older, I’ll be a geek. But in the meantime, I tweet, I blog, I collect strawberries from the garden and sweeten them with irony and tenderness.

For those who speak/read a bit of French, i blog in French: click here

i Instagram !

i tweet too, THERE (mostly in French).

i FB, i KiK, i G+, i Skype, iMessage, FaceTime, and Vélib', i drink, i love, i do things morals disapprove of and i read books made of paper.

© Photo by François Caillon

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